NHS Friends and Family Results

Answer Total
Very Good 933
Good 383
Very Poor 33
Neither Good Nor Poor 109
Poor 60
Don't Know 3
Results in bar chart format

What you had to tell us

We asked... "Can you tell us why you gave that response?"

Comment Date
Staff always very helpful. I have never had to wait and reception staff, pharmacy staff have always gone above and beyond and nothing is too much trouble. Great surgery Friday 16 February
Everybody gives of their best in the most friendly and helpful way. Monday 11 December
Just been to the Community Centre for the flu jab. We were told we could also have the COVID jab. Marvellous! The organisation was faultless. We were in and out in less than 10 minutes. Brilliantly done! Wednesday 20 September
Dr Shahabi takes time to explain things fully and is friendly whilst remaining professional. He is a real asset to the practice. Friday 15 September
Will help if they can. The pharmacy staff are brilliant. Tuesday 22 August