Practice Information
Welcome To The Peninsula Practice
We are here to help keep you in good health. The practice covers an area known as ‘The Peninsula’ with the addition of Aldeburgh, which stretches from the River Deben in the south to the north of Aldeburgh town. This is a large rural area which inevitably affects the way we work. We are determined to provide an exceptional service where getting appointments, establishing diagnoses, treating promptly and with personal care are priorities for all of us.
The Peninsula Practice has purpose-built surgery buildings at Alderton, Aldeburgh and Orford, all with full disabled access. Alderton and Orford surgeries both have fully operational dispensaries.
The practice as a whole is open every weekday from 8.00am-6.30pm at different sites.
Because of the large practice area, it may be necessary in some situations, to travel a little further to another branch of the surgery within the practice in order to be seen sooner. Whilst you may live close to a particular surgery/branch, you are considered a patient of The Peninsula Practice and as such are welcome at all sites.
We welcome new patients so if you live in the area please get in touch.

Zero Tolerance Policy Kindness Rules
The Peninsula Practice operates a Zero Tolerance Policy - Kindness Rules
Here at The Peninsula Practice, we are proud to offer you a warm welcome and we strive to offer a great service.
In return, we ask that all our patients and their representatives are polite and respectful to all of us.
It is our belief that everyone has the right to be safe and secure while working or visiting the practice. Therefore, anyone behaving in a violent, abusive or aggressive manner to either our staff or patients and their representatives during their visit will be asked to leave.
Patients who habitually exhibit abusive behaviour may be removed from the Practice List inline with our Zero Tolerance Policy.
Please help us to help you.