Our Community
Social Prescribing
A Community Connector (social prescriber) is someone who is:
- Available to talk to you confidentially
- Able to give practical, helpful, non-judgemental advice
- Able to help you decide what you would like to do to improve your health and wellbeing
- Able to refer you to appropriate services and activities
They can:
- Discuss what issues you are facing
- Explore what matters to you in your life
- Explore what services and activities are available
Link you with different services, giving advice on:
- A healthy lifestyle
- Welfare benefits and financial support
- Employment, training and volunteering
- Education and learning opportunities
- Arts, culture and creative activities
- Befriending, counselling and emotional support groups
If you would like to refer someone or self-refer, please call 01394 332265
For enquiries, please email C4h.suffolk@nhs.net
Cost of Living Support
Suffolk Country Council has compiled resources and contacts for further help for those struggling with the cost of living. Please click on this tab to go to their dedicated page.
Website: https://www.suffolk.gov.uk/community-and-safety/communities/healthier/cost-of-living-support/

Support In the Community
The following local community groups and organisations have offered support to help vunerable people within our community.

Aldeburgh Good Neighbour Scheme
Our services cover those living in the IP15 postal code.
We anticipate that there will be a big requirement now for shopping for those in need.
Many of our calls are for advice on subjects such as care for the elderly and infirm.
Where we cannot help, we refer these enquiries onto the appropriate services and agencies.
We have a mobile telephone number 07773 031064 and the phone is manned by a Duty Co-ordinator from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.
All requests for our services must come through the AGNES phone 07773 031064.

Aldringham cum Thorpe Good Neighbour Scheme
To contact Aldringham cum Thorpe Good Neighbour Scheme please phone 07521 047 843 and leave a message a volunteer will call you back.
If you don't hear back within 24 hours, please call Pippa McLardy on 01728 454565.

Iken Parish Council
Iken Parish Council looks after all of its own residents. They have systems in place to help each other with all their needs – shopping, medication, healthcare etc. They have personal contact with everyone. For more information please call Lorraine Lloyd 01728 602348

Leiston Good Neighbour Scheme
Leiston Good Neighbour scheme offers support and help to those in need. Please call 07724 777465 or email leistongoodneighbour@gmail.com

Rendlesham Good Neighbour Scheme
Rendlesham Good Neighbour Scheme offers support for residents such as groceries, prescription collection, lifts to medical appointments and other needs. Simply call 07486 551004 and they will call you back to discuss your needs.
Rendlesham Good Neighbour Scheme normally covers Rendlesham Parish but they are happy to cover surrounding areas if you do not have access to a Good Neighbour Scheme.

Shottisham Community Support
Shottisham Community is offering support and help for those in need for more information please call Patricia Southgate 01394 410110 or email her at pat.southgate@hotmail.com

Snape Good Neighbour Scheme
Snape Village offer a Good Neighbour Scheme for more information please call 07541 754426

Sudbourne Good Neighbour Scheme
To contact Sudbourne Good Neighbour Scheme 07860 307887 or 01394 459772